Is that a bluetooth headset?

I've always wanted to know. Is it genetic in all asian (Eastern Pacific?) girls to stand this way, knees inward and toes pointing in?

Asian Schoolgirl Uniforms ZOMG

I'm sure this is hot. The blurriness adds to the hotness.

Straight up gangsta

I'm not even sure what is the purpose of this one. Like, is it "hmm, I wonder how I'd look as a new member of Naruto" ... "this is a pimpin scarf, it completes the awesomeness." ... "it's cold outside in the pool, better wear a scarf ... oh caught myself in the reflection ... I look gooOOOOoood"

Guy's obviously european

Clowns are scary?

What's not to love? The clown make-up, the hair ... the cute dog ... or the AWESOME DOG FACIAL EXPRESSION ... so many captions.

Cute or creepy?

I'm sure this isn't someone's personal photo they posted, but something they found ... but it met my criteria so here it is.

I actually just noticed the passive holding hands in the middle ... just now.

Slag off

I just liked the pic. Not sure if it's a "posed photo" (like set up and shot this way) or just a random "hey look over here, smile" "nice one!" shot.

Side note: It cracks me up that people make this sign like some sort of new 'peace sign'. In the UK, this is the equivalent of the middle finger, so every time I see it, I always picture them giving the middle finger to all their friends and relatives.

Merry Christmas HO HO NO!

So many stories ... so many captions ... so little time.

I'm in ur base, killin ur mens

I have no words

Look behind you!

This picture just looks like it's begging for some sort of crazy photoshop in the background